Theme: Life is Like a Box of Chocolates – Hosts: Bethania A beautiful day – plenty of sunshine – much fellowship. (The floral displays incorporated chocolates in amongst the flowers.) After morning tea in the foyer of Bethania Lutheran Church, we moved into the church with seating around tables. President of Bethania Ladies Fellowship, Chris McDermott, welcomed everyone. Fifty ladies from the BS&GC Zone and ladies from LWQ plus 4 gentlemen gathered. Zone President, Naomi …
Temore-Trungley Hall Guild/Fellowship …
… meets regularly and would love to welcome new members – not so easy these days. I thought I would tell you about a couple of interesting things, one a ‘one-off’ and the other is ongoing. Recently, a long-time member, Ros Hartwig and her daughter, Karla, participated in the “Walk My Way” April project for ALWS. Ros began training earlier, doing many walks around Temora to get her body ready for the 26km walk in …
Vale Elaine
Elaine Pfitzner, a lifetime servant of her Lord, passed away on 20 July 2019 after a ten-year-long illness which baffled doctors for many years. It was eventually diagnosed as Sezary Syndrome, a T Cell Lymphoma. This full body, itchy skin condition was an ongoing challenge which she dealt with stoically and, in typical fashion, without complaint. Elaine and Peter, her husband of 52 years, spent much of those ten years travelling to and staying in …
Kitty, My Rib – an “oldie“ but a “goodie”
By E. Jane Mall I purchased this wonderful book some 50 years ago from the Lutheran Bookshop in Pirie Street, Adelaide. I read it with my fifteen-year-old eyes and felt such sympathy for the young child of nine who had been placed in the Nimbschen Convent. Even though her father’s sister, Magdalene, was a nun there and her mother’s sister was the Abbess, it still seemed to me that it was a cold way to …
Treading the Track in “Walk My Way”, Hahndorf to Adelaide
I had often heard the stories of the early German settlers (mostly women) walking all the way from Hahndorf to Adelaide (26 kms) to sell their produce. “Wow”, I thought. If they could do it loaded with potatoes, corn, cream etc. surely it couldn’t be too difficult. And since I love walking and really admire the work of Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS), I was keen to give “Walk My Way” a go. I canvassed …
A Partnership – ALC and LWA
And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 NRSV This opening text reminds us that God created us for partnership and community with himself and with each other (Genesis 2:18). The relationship that Australian Lutheran College (ALC) shares with Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) is a wonderful and praiseworthy expression of that. Over the years LWA has actively supported our college’s students with …
Domestic and Family Violence – Hidden Hurts Healing Hearts
“I didn’t know what my friend was living with … … Yes, she seemed a bit depressed, and I didn’t think much of it at first. She didn’t say anything. She was still involved in choir and her husband was active on Church Council. But over time, something changed, and she wasn’t the person I used to know. I wish I had had the courage to ask if she was okay – but I didn’t …
50 years of care in the community …
… with the ‘same coloured hearts’. The 50th anniversary of Lutheran Community Care (LCC) SA/NT is a time to celebrate and give thanks. There are the many hundreds of thousands of people who have received a ministry of care. There are the staff who have given of themselves and their skills to support those struggling or needing food, shelter and clothing, and then there are the volunteers and donors who have ensured that God’s love …
Scholarships – Connecting Lives to the Gospel
Pictured above: Kilber (left) and Deddy (right) We thank you, Lutheran Women! You have continued to support the scholarship ministry of International Mission. This has allowed the further training of pastors and lay people in Lutheran Theology from our overseas partner churches. Lives are changed! In the past year, the following people have been recipients of a Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) International Mission scholarship: Emmanuel Som Yalamu continued his Doctoral studies through Australian Lutheran …
I had seen her at school, spoken to her and found out her name was Elsie. She was eight years old and the new girl in town. Then one fine Sunday morning, in November 2018, Elsie turned up for church at 9 am with her friend Ly’xali. As they were the only two children there that Sunday, we made them feel very welcome and special. They stayed and participated in the service wherever they could. …
Bible Study – November 2019
The Year of Jubilee – Part 2 Note: before the study you may want to read all of Leviticus 25. Recap God gifted Israel with the Land. It was and always would be his! Israel was to work it and look after it, and in the process look after each other. The Sabbath was for the Rest and Restoration of the people. The Sabbath Year was for the Rest and Restoration of the Land – …
Bible Study – October, 2019
The Year of Jubilee – Part 1 Note: before the study you may want to read all of Leviticus 25. Introduction The word “jubilee” comes from the Hebrew word for “the trumpet” made from a ram’s horn and, as we shall see, was blown at the start of this year, which was supposed to occur every 50 years. Thus, in our culture, the term “jubilee” has often become synonymous with “50th anniversary”. The Year of …
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