As I see it – Maureen Turner

Today (19 November 2020) is the first day of South Australia’s ‘second wave’ lockdown, for six days. As my husband, Robert, and I are retired, we have not found this issue too hard to handle.

It has been interesting to think about this all over again. Yesterday evening might have been our last community service filming, for a while, to be viewed online/DVD for our congregation members and other interested people. Pastor has been thinking that he may have to do the filming in his lounge and play the guitar and sing the songs himself. Thank you, Pastor.

Looking back over the COVID-19 time in 2020, not being able to meet and worship together on Sunday morning was okay. Watching the service online at home was very comfortable, still in our PJs and drinking a cup of coffee, became the norm. I found it easier to concentrate on the sermon without distractions. Even though we could not have Holy Communion initially, it was not a necessity, as we were still confessing and receiving forgiveness of sins during the online service. God knew where we were at.

Then we were able to meet in our Small Group of 10 again and worship together. This was great because we got to know each other better, there was always discussion afterwards about the sermon, and “Who are some of those adults/young people playing in the band?” Later, we had an ‘Uber’ pastor (generally one of our retired pastors) come and serve us with communion after viewing the worship online, once a month. A congregational member donated a cool bag for the pastor to carry their own communion pack.

It was fantastic to be able to meet again for worship on Sunday, in the church, at the start of August. Also, two Wednesday mornings a month began with a service and Holy Communion in the Church, for the more ‘mature’ members of our congregation.

In September, Holy Communion was introduced, twice a month, after the filming service. This allowed most of the congregation to be able to receive Communion, at some stage.

Over the COVID-19 time, our Women’s Fellowship went into lockdown like everyone else. We had a very ‘hands on’ Fellowship Team (Executive) and did a lot of email talking, with suggestions, laughing and discussions. We also sent out emails/letters to our members letting them know what we had been discussing. The Lutheran Women magazine was sent individually to our subscribers, which was appreciated.

Lockdown has shut the doors again and I’m still missing the hugging. I know that God has everything in his hands, and that we can take opportunities as they are given to us.

About the Author

Maureen Turner

Maureen is part of the editorial team for Lutheran Women and is a member at St Petri Lutheran Church, Nuriootpa SA.

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