Marina Fielke
We give thanks to God for Marina’s service to LWSA-NT, serving the executive as an extra member, 2nd Vice-President from 2002-2005, 1st Vice-President in 2006 and then becoming President, upon Marlene Schumacher’s ill-health in 2007. Marina presided until 2012, having been driven to all of her visits across the state by her husband Gil, retiring at the 48thConvention held at Loxton. It was at Marina’s instigation that a display of Lutheran Women became part of SA District Synods. In her words, ‘The church needs to know what we as Lutheran Women do!’
Marina was a member of St Peter’s, Loxton for 20 years, before she and husband Gil moved to Adelaide where she joined the Para Vista Fellowship and remained a member – a further 36 years – until her death. Although Gil and Marina moved later in retirement to Glynde Lutheran Homes, their membership was retained at Para Vista where Marina used her God-given talents in floristry and artistic flair to decorate the church on many occasions, including our state conventions. Despite Gil’s sudden death in September 2019, Marina continued to serve as President of the Glynde Lutheran Homes Auxiliary, having commenced in 2012, eagerly recruiting helpers for the auxiliary and its activities, while also finding time to take her weekly turn in the ‘Corner Shop’ serving the homes’ residents, until being called to her heavenly home on November 26, 2020.
A generous, kind, creative and talented lady, now at rest.