[rev_slider alias="10-reasons"][/rev_slider]
In everything give thanks
Ten reasons to give thanks to God our Father at this time.
- For his promise to be with us, always;
- For our church and for our pastors who continue to minister to us;
- For food and necessary services and the people who work to bring them to us;
- For the scientists who are working ceaselessly on treatment and vaccinations for this rampant virus;
- For our government and leaders who are trying to do the right and proper thing for the citizens of this country in unprecedented circumstances;
- For hospitals, doctors and nursing staff, pathologists, and ancillary staff;
- For the brilliant forms of communication we have at our disposal;
- For our friends and loved ones who care for us and keep in touch;
- For a roof over our heads, for good quality water and power supplies;
- For our Father who gives us all this; and above all who has shown love beyond all things in giving us his Son, Jesus to pay the ultimate price for our sin by his death and resurrection.
Beloved friends, think on these things.