Thoughts on families and Christmas from the young …

Here are some thoughts and artwork on Families and Family Christmas Celebrations from the Reception Students at Immanuel Primary School, Novar Gardens, SA. Thank you to the children and to their teacher, Emma Le Gallou.

What is a family?

“A family is like a group and it has babies”  –Eleni

“A family is with persons and there’s grandmas and papas and sisters and brothers and everybody” – Emily

“A family is mums and dads and grandpas and grandmas and babies and cousins and nonnas and nonnos and yiayias and pappous” – Eric

“A family is mums and dads and sisters and brothers and cousins and aunties and grandmas and grandpas” – Justin

“A family is people who live together and play games together” – Liv

“A family is people that stay at a house together and they do washing up in the houses” – Rafe


Why did God make families?

“God made families so you can care for babies”– Alisa

“God made families so that they can make more babies” – Ethan

“God made families because that will make all of the kids safe when there’s lots of parents” – Hanna

“God made families because families are good and they look after kids” – Peter

“God made families so people will be happy to live together” – Nate


What do you do with your family at Christmas?

“They help me open my presents. All of my family come over and we eat dinner together” – Ariana

“I like putting the decorations up and putting the shiny star on the tree” – Jason

“We open my presents and go to the zoo” – Luca

“I go to the beach with them and we swim and make sandcastles” – Tanay


What do you like to do with your family?

“I like to go walking on the beach and go shopping with my mum” – Beau

“I like it when all of my family go upstairs together and have movie night” – Emily

“I like to go to the beach with them and we sometimes go and see our cousins and sometimes we eat dinner together” – Harley

“I like to open my presents with them at Christmas time and go to the park near my home” – Mayan

“My family likes kitties and we love playing with them” – Mustafa

“I like to play games and go for walks to the beach – we’re a bit lucky and the beach is near our house” – Stella


Why are families important?

“They help you live and they help you with stuff and they do stuff for you and you might do stuff for them” – James

“They are important because people look after you” – Monty


About the Author

Emma Le Gallou

Emma is the foundation teacher at Immanuel Lutheran Primary School, Novar Gardens in South Australia

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