10, or so, regular members meet on the first Thursday of the month. A typical meeting is held at St John’s Hall always starting with a devotion and Bible study. We belong to the Naracoorte combined Guilds and take part in 2 events per year: The World Day of Prayer and the Christmas Social.
Each year we prepare and pack 50 birthing kits for PNG. When possible, an annual sewing bee is held to make skirts for Aboriginal Women to be sold through the LCC Shop in Alice Springs. In March our meeting is at the Naracoorte Caves Café. Once a year we are hosted in a member’s home for a cinema afternoon, when we watch a thought and soul provoking film, followed by a pizza tea, to which husbands are invited. In addition to our regular meetings and zone events, is the annual One Day Retreat at St John’s, a day of Bible studies, singing and fellowship, at which one guild of the zone is rostered to host the event.
To vary our program last year, we met in Millicent with the local Lutheran women for a hotel lunch. Beforehand we gathered at the delightful Millicent Museum in whose foyer we could hold our meeting.
Occasionally over the years, we have enjoyed fellowship and lunch with Penola ladies at the magnificent property of their member Sue Zwar. “Camawald”, in the Coonawarra, is a majestic 4-hectare garden which enchants all senses.
Along with KYB, and funeral catering, our broad range of activities keeps us engaged and focused.