At Grow Ministries, we are often encouraging congregations to rethink their ministry to children, young people and their families. What are we rethinking? We will frequently begin a training day with a question. Who or what has influenced your life of faith? Think about this for a moment. How would you answer? We often get responses like; parents, grandparents, pastor, Sunday school teacher, mentor, friend, Bible study, Christian camp. What this list says to us …
Books for the Young and the Young at Heart
Books to encourage and assist you with printed material for you and gift suggestions for the younger generation. Many thanks to Mark and Elysia from Australian Christian Resources (ACR) who have supplied us with the following book suggestions.Exploding Stars, Dead Dinosaurs, and Zombies Youth Ministry in the Age of Science – By Andrew Root Root, a renowned expert on adolescent spirituality, shows how science overstates its claims on truth, while faith often understates its own claims. …