St John’s Women’s Fellowship, Naracoorte

Last year we were able to meet in person for eight meetings. About ten ladies join in along with Pastor Shaun Manning. Each February several of us attend the South East Zone retreat in Robe. For over thirty years, St John’s has been the venue for a unique concept – a One Day Retreat, held at the end of May. It is a zone event focussing on a theme with zone pastors presenting Bible studies …

The Naracoorte Women’s Guild

10, or so, regular members meet on the first Thursday of the month. A typical meeting is held at St John’s Hall always starting with a devotion and Bible study. We belong to the Naracoorte combined Guilds and take part in 2 events per year: The World Day of Prayer and the Christmas Social. Each year we prepare and pack 50 birthing kits for PNG. When possible, an annual sewing bee is held to make …