Hosts: Ropeley Guild The 51st annual Fellowship Day was attended by 34 people, including three pastors, and hosted by Ropeley Immanuel Lutheran Church Guild. What a joy it was for me to visit this beautiful church, where 80 years ago I was baptised into the family of God. After a lovely morning tea, we gathered under the theme God shines his light on the world. Zone President, Shirley Klinge welcomed all present, especially the Pastors, …
LWQ Convention – 21 July, 2018
Theme: A Whale of a Time Hosts: Wide Bay Burnett Zone Fireworks closed the 26th Biennial LWQ Convention! Well, we were fortunate enough to share the dinner venue with the “Blessing of the Fleet” festivities which commenced the whale watching season at Hervey Bay, and enjoyed their closing firework display. One hundred and sixteen attendees, and husbands, had just enjoyed a yummy meal together and heard a very engaging and encouraging talk from our Guest …
2019 Qld Central Zone Rally/Fellowship Weekend
21-22 April 2018 Theme: Teapots with CharacterHosts: Biloela Parish Please won’t you join me for a cup of tea, as we journey through our rally weekend topic Teapots with Character. On Saturday morning all were welcomed to Biloela, with a cup of tea (or coffee) before we started our formal proceedings. Pastor Graham Pfeffer welcomed all and began his devotion with a video which showed us how to make a ‘pot of tea with character’. …