Darling Downs Zone Rally – March 2022

Lutheran Women of the Darling Downs met for their annual Rally on 22 March 2022 in the lovely country setting at Glencoe, hosted by Bethlehem, Glencoe and St John’s, Wilsonton. President Val Kath welcomed 58 ladies, seven visitors and four pastors to the half-day rally. The theme was Give Thanks in All Circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). PowerPoint slides displayed the banner, many slides showing various aspects of life for which people give thanks, key points …

Darling Downs Zone 

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Zone Rally and Fellowship day 2020 was postponed till 2021, hoping, God willing, that next year will see a relaxing of restrictions. LWQ Retreat: 8–10 March 2019 held at James Bourne Centre, Highfields, was hosted by Brisbane South and Gold Coast with the theme: Bee-Coming More for Christ. It was a buzzing weekend with a beekeeper as the guest speaker, showing the intricate workings of the hives and selling the honey. …

Darling Downs Zone Fellowship Day

Did you know that you are a very special person for a very special purpose? This is because of God’s various gifts to each of us through the same Spirit. Pastor Raymond Pace, from Good Shepherd, Toowoomba, reiterated this message theme through his Bible study from 1 Corinthians 12:1–11. Fifty-eight persons gathered for the Darling Downs Zone Fellowship Day, on 5 September, hosted by Good Shepherd ladies. We are all special in God’s sight, not …