Avalon Hall (Sec), Shirley Horrigan (Pres), Leanne Warbrooke (Treas), Colette Mangan (Extra Mem), Pam Flesser (LWQ Newsletter Editor), Rev Mark Demmer (St Paul’s Toowoomba)
Due to Covid in 2020 and again in 2021 The Retreat/Convention was cancelled. As a change in office bearers was needed, it was decided to go ahead with paper ballots from the Fellowships so this could be achieved.
Retiring President, Karen Bryce, opened the meeting welcoming everyone with a special welcome to new Extra member Colette Mangan. Karen dedicated 19 years to LWQ as a Zone President, LWQ Vice President and President.
Nominations Committee
Lois Schultz announced the results from the ‘Postal’ Ballot, conducted via LWQ December 2020 Newsletter: 345 individual responses (plus 1 x Fellowship block) were received. All voted in favour of:
Office Bearers for 2021 – 2023: President, Shirley Horrigan; Vice President, Lynette Weise; Secretary, Avalon Hall; Treasurer, Leanne Warbrooke; Extra Member, Colette Mangan.
LWQ Project for 2021 – 2023 will be LYQ Ministry (Kids Camp and Christian Life Week).
Adoption of LWQ Treasurer’s Report and Donation Schedule (for two years ending 2019).
Thanks to all members for their response. Thank you to Lois for receiving and counting these votes.
Treasurer’s Report 01.12.20 to 31.12.2020
Opening Balance $50,256.25
Receipts $35,808.45
Expenditure $42,357.29
Reconciled Balance $43,707.41
Donations from accumulated funds were approved as follows:
$2,000 each – Far North Qld Mission and Women’s Care and Counselling Centre, Malaysia.
$1,000 each – Hospital Chaplaincy and Mary & Martha’s (2021 LCA Lenten Appeal).
Bursary Recipients: $800 each be awarded to Pastoral Student, Ben Graham and Education Student, Emily Jones.
President Karen Bryce’s Report
With two cancelled Conventions, I was beginning to think this day would never happen! The years serving LWQ has been a time of blessings and opportunities to grow in faith and friendship (eight years as President, six as Vice and five as Zone). The recruitment of Pam Flesser as Newsletter Editor has opened an opportunity to move forward. Thanks to Inari Thiel’s contribution for her past six years. I was overwhelmed by the response to the Ballot Paper. This was an indication that members want to continue in this organisation. Congratulations to the new Executive and welcome to new members. Thanks to Nominations Committee for recruiting and especially to Lois Schultz for receiving this extra mail over the Christmas period.
Karen said she has been blessed with a lifestyle and husband who has made attendance to the many functions, retreats etc. a pleasure. She received a vote of thanks with acclamation for her dedication to LWQ.
Zone Reports were received, and many individual Fellowships and Zones were unable to fill Office Bearers positions. St Luke’s Nambour has unfortunately closed after 90 years as a dedicated Fellowship. One church in the Darling Downs Zone is closing but the Fellowship will continue.
Pastor Mark Demmer of St Pauls Toowoomba performed the Rite of Installation Service to officially install and welcome LWQ Executive for 2021 – 2023. Newly elected President, Shirley Horrigan, presented thank you gifts to retiring Executive members – Karen Bryce (President), Felicity Bradford (Second Vice President) and Inari Thiel (Newsletter Editor).
Newsletter Editor Pam Flesser reported 700 August and December Newsletters were printed and distributed. 17 were emailed.
LWA Convention was discussed at length. And a suggestion was made to join with the Ladies of SA and travel with them from Adelaide to Convention. But of course, alas, Convention has suffered the fate of most other functions being organised during this COVID pandemic.
The meeting decided we would not seek a LWQ Spiritual Advisor as pastors are fully committed. Hopefully we will utilise the services of the “host pastor” or pastor serving at the “venue”.
West Moreton Zone have offered to host Convention 2022 (late May “God willing”). Wide Bay Burnett Zone have offered to host 2023 Retreat, again “God willing”.
The next Executive meeting will be Friday 15 October 2021 at St Pauls Toowoomba.
Retiring President, Karen Bryce, closed with a Devotion titled, A lamp for the footpath. God’s Word is our guiding light.
Pam Flesser

Back L-R: Pam Flesser (N/L Editor), Shirley Klinge – WMZ, Judith Smyth – BN & SCZ, Maomi Marks BS & GCZ, Colette Mangan (Extra Mem)
Front L-R: Avalon Hall (Sec), Leanne Warbrooke (Treas), Shirley Horrigan (Pres), Karen Bryce (Retired Pres) waving goodbye, Meryl Rosenberger DDZ.