Salem-Callington Ladies Guild

Our small but enthusiastic group of ladies continues to meet on the second Tuesday of the month, usually around the kitchen table at different members’ homes.

Our focus is the Bible study from the Lutheran Women, ably led by our new graduate pastor, Matthew Edgecomb, who we warmly welcomed at the beginning of the year. He has fitted in well and soon learned that we easily get side-tracked during our studies.

Our annual luncheon in July is well attended by neighbouring ladies’ groups with more and more husbands now coming. This year our guest speakers were Geoff and Tonia Baker from Strathalbyn who came with Tonia’s seeing eye dogs – Banjo, now retired, and her new dog Luna. Geoff spoke about living with a blind person and Tonia told us how she copes with her blindness. The generous offering will be used to train more seeing eye dogs. This event also helps us support projects of the LWA and LWSA-NT.

Each year we go on an outing and in 2019 we visited Marie and Joyce Fendler’s lovely garden at Mt Torrens. The Spring blooms were at their best and we also enjoyed a tasty afternoon tea prepared by show prize-winning cook, Joyce.

In December we have a Christmas luncheon for our elderly congregation members but each year the numbers are declining. Nevertheless, those who do attend appreciate our hospitality and the fellowship with the singing of Christmas carols, games and a devotional item.

Cherrol Wundersitz

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