President's Reflections

President’s Reflections – February 2020

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is the will of the God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

With the words “in everything give thanks”, I had to stop and reflect, do I enact this every day? Sometimes each day just rolls over; we have our routines. As I have mentioned in previous editions, reading my daily devotions is a jump start to the day. I reflect on the Bible passage, and then I am encouraged by the devotion writers on how I may apply this to my life. Most times the words jump out at me, signs that I need to follow or put into practise in my daily walk with the Lord.

This New Year makes me one year older; can I do all that God expects of me? Do I give thanks fully for where the past year has led me? I know that he has been walking beside me, but have I thanked him enough in the past week, month, year? Truthfully, I will have to answer no, not always.

Am I guilty of just accepting the path, the journey that I’m on, and have I failed (sinned) to acknowledge God for the wonder of the experiences that he shows me daily?

I was once told that accountability breeds responsibility. So, what can I do? Well I can do nothing by myself, and for that I am thankful of God’s grace and mercy. Courage through Christ enables people to step up their senses of ownership and commitment. Taking time at the end of each day to reflect on what has transpired throughout that day, to give thanks for the sunshine, the rain, food, clothes and our families. The kind words that were spoken to you from a neighbour or friend. I am reminded of an old film, Pollyanna. There is a reason to give thanks for all things; there is joy in thanking and praising God in all circumstances.

Life is not always easy; the devil wants to, and will, side-track us. Let us as Christian women (and men) use the precious words that he gave us and shout with confidence how great is our God, how great are the wonders of this world, and how thankful we are, and pray that we humbly thank him for all that he has given us.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17

In praise and thanksgiving for all of you,


About the Author

Wendy Habel

Wendy is President of Lutheran Women of Australia and a member of the Editorial team.

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