How good is it to buy new sheets!
I visited a new outlet in town only to be told that they had been there for over one year. Town to me usually means groceries and paying accounts, window shopping comes down the list. This outlet also shares the same name of an AFL iconic football brand! That was the first surprise; the second was the price of the sheets! My original set was in need of replacement after continual use over 25 years plus, and my one thought was “will these also last the distance?”
This got me thinking of the birth of Jesus. The babe born to give Eternal Life. We know that he was wrapped in swaddling cloth. Were these strips of cloth well cared for? Of course! Hand washed good quality cotton that might have been given to Mary from her family for the birth.
What price would we have put on these pieces of cloth?
Do we stop to think of the “price” the birth had upon the world?
We await his birth through Advent, celebrate the birth at Christmas and then, as Christians, we read of Jesus’ time on earth. Miracles performed, sight restored, sick healed, the dead raised, the multitudes fed, eternal life was bought and won for mankind, the wages of sin was paid , death was conquered, heaven’s gates were reopened and eternal life regained for all who accept him as their Saviour.
To me, these are priceless because of the fulfilment of God’s Word and his personal promise to me in John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
The price of the sheets is irrelevant, the swaddling cloth, more precious than gold, for it clothed the most precious gift that mankind would ever receive – the gift of eternal life.
Prayers are needed daily for the many who do not yet know God and Christ Jesus. Pray that you may be an instrument for love and goodwill in his hands.
As we approach this joyous season may you, with your families and friends, rejoice in sharing the good news.