What a blessing to be able to give this report of our 53rdConvention.
Above: LWV Executive L to R Pastor Adrian Kramer, Julie Hedt, Jenny Gellert, Val Tischler, Bishop Lester Priebbenow, Kerry Nolte, Anne Hill and Judy Wiebusch
It was a great day with nearly 100 members of LWV gathered at St Philip’s Lutheran Church, Tarneit for the convention. Attendees sat at tables arranged in an attractive Cafe style. There were prayer pockets on each table and decorative jugs of water, everything conducive to good social networking and easy notetaking.
The theme was Walking in Wisdom based on Proverbs 2:6a “For the Lord gives Wisdom”. Convention commenced with the theme hymn How blessed are those who hear God’s Word. Pastor Mark Winter led the opening worship with very relational words from our loving God. Pastor’s energy and enthusiasm set the mood for the day.
Acting President, Jenny Gellert welcomed attendees and declared convention open. We were captivated by Anna Muller, a Harpist, who firstly spoke to the gathering about her work in Harp Therapy and Pastoral Counselling. Anna explained how Therapeutic Harp Music is based on the science of sound, music that helps provide an environment conducive to the healing process. Harp music creates an atmosphere of peace and calm, the music is offered as a non-invasive adjunct to medical care. Anna then played for us and calmed our souls.
The Bible Study by Pastor Adrian Kramer, LWV Spiritual Advisor, and the afternoon devotion by Pastor Mark Winter, both showed us that walking in wisdom is walking in faith, reminding us that God is the one who cares for us more than anyone else cares for us. We just need to trust, which leads to wisdom. We did indeed get to appreciate more about wisdom. One pastor commenting that there were many present with grey hair, a sure sign of wisdom, but then asked, “how many of you are hiding your wisdom?” There was a responsive chuckle, but no show of hands!
All appreciated the Guest Speaker, Faye Schmidt, a member at St Philip’s, who spoke on behalf of the Shawl Ministry Team. Faye enlightened us about their knitting, revealing thet it is all about spending time in contemplative prayer while knitting prayer shawls. The knitting is comprised of the Trinity stitch – knit 3 purl 3, representative of many sections of scripture that are in 3s for example: faith, hope, love; Lord have mercy and many more. The completed shawls are brought to the altar and are blessed. This outreach service has resulted in 97 prayer shawls having been distributed. Faye shared how the shawls have a deep impact on the recipients and are a constant reminder that many are praying for them. Everyone was strongly encouraged to start a prayer shawl ministry for the benefits of the recipients.
Attendees were blessed during the day to receive informative updates from Vice President LWA, Irma Dymke, as the new LWA Executive get under way and District Bishop Lester Priebbenow highlighting the many initiatives occurring within the District Church. We also received reports from LCA International Mission; LLL; ALWS and Lutheran Media.
The Convention offering for the work of the Lord amounted to $2,316.
Changes within the Executive committee include a resignation from Wendy Habel during the year to take up the role of LWA President leaving a vacancy, filled at Convention by the election of Jenny Gellert. Sue Morrison resigned, and the Secretary role was filled by Val Tischler. Anne Hill was appointed as an additional member on the team.
The Memorial Hymn In Jesus I find peace and rest was sung in memory of our departed members. Throughout the day, hymns and songs were sung in keeping with the theme, reminding us to trust, in order to walk in wisdom.
Comments 1
it is a blessing to be able to share highlighte of convention when one can’t be in attendance due to health issues.