Lutheran Women SA-NT Convention

Women from all over the state gathered for the 53rd LWSA-NT Convention looking for a different hope.

They were Radiant with Hope – Hope in the Risen Lord and hope for the future.

Associate Pastor Rolly Stahl, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista, warmly welcomed all delegates, and it wasn’t long before hearts and voices rang out with the opening hymn Praise to the Lord! It was a joyous start.

Pastor Stahl read the theme for the event from Romans 15:13, encouraging all present to live with hope because of Jesus. He explained that our faith can be like infused tea. The flavour of the tea leaves infuses and changes the water. Isn’t that what is happening when Jesus comes into our lives and changes us? The gift of hope begins with our baptism and joins us to Jesus. We are baptised into his death, our selfishness is put to death, baptised in his resurrection, and his resurrection guarantees our resurrection. The hope in Glory, what an amazing and wonderful thing. At baptism we were infused with hope, not easy to remember with all the hassles of life, struggles and heartaches can make our joy evaporate. We need to make space for God to infuse us, to remind us that we are his and have a hope and future in him.

President of Good Shepherd Women’s Fellowship, Ragna Gaard, welcomed Frances Bedford, the local MP, invited guests and all delegates before handing over to State President, Grace Kroehn, who formally opened proceedings.

The State Member for Florey, Frances Bedford, acknowledged the traditional custodians.She spoke of the ways to keep hope alive in the community and recognised that the work we do both here, at Para Vista, and in all of our local communities, is so important. Even from the early days of this state, women came together to make things better for our society. Women bring thoughts and cares from all over the state together today, and work together for a common purpose.

District Bishop, David Altus spoke that people put hope in leaders in society at a time where they are more cynical than ever, hoping that someone would do something to fix problems. Hope is given to us by God and nothing that happens to us, can be taken away. Things in life don’t last for ever, there is a season and time for everything. We have hope in someone who lived a perfect life. Don’t lose hope or heart. There are wonderful things that God is doing!

Tessa Joppich (LCC Communications and Foster Carer Recruitment and Retention) and Andrea Konigsmann (LCC’s Foster Care Services Senior Manager) spoke passionately about the work that Lutheran Community Care does with and for fostered children and their families. LCC want their work to be exceptional and different when meeting the needs of these vulnerable children and families. There is a lot of prayer involved! Growing from just an idea ten years ago there are now 180 families and 240 children under their care.

After a break for lunch and feeling revived, Pastor Stahlbegan the afternoon session by talking about Radiance and Hope. He encouraged us to share the light and love of Jesus. He continued his analogy of tea by asking what sort of person God is changing us into? Jesus wants us to bring hope and healing to those in despair. This can be done by just simply listening and seeking to understand how things are in their world. Not being alone in a struggle, renews hope!

An attendance of 198 and an offering of $10,439.90 was received.

The offering will be divided between LCC Foster Care Program and Lutheran Media.

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