Hosts: Ropeley Guild
The 51st annual Fellowship Day was attended by 34 people, including three pastors, and hosted by Ropeley Immanuel Lutheran Church Guild. What a joy it was for me to visit this beautiful church, where 80 years ago I was baptised into the family of God. After a lovely morning tea, we gathered under the theme God shines his light on the world.
Zone President, Shirley Klinge welcomed all present, especially the Pastors, Noel Burton (Laidley), Peter Geyer (Spiritual adviser) and August Fricke (Asia Focus) and visitors. Several apologies were received, one from LWQ President, Karen Bryce and Vice President, Shirley Horrigan. President Shirley thanked the Ropeley ladies for being our hosts. Ropeley President, Shirley Reimann extended a warm welcome and explained the visual display of the theme: The shining cross throwing its light on a globe of the world and dozens of coloured tea towels from all over the world decorated the church walls. The flowers: the white ones depicting the purity of Christ and the yellow ones representing the light flowing from him.
Pastor Noel Burton, in his devotion revealed how, as a young man, he became stuck in a crevice of a dark cave and he was gripped with fear as he wondered if he would be rescued, or if he might die there in the dark. He likened this to life in this dreadful world. Until we receive “God’s Word, The Light of the World”, and accept the salvation Christ has won for us, we live in darkness. In John 8:12 Jesus said, I am the Light of the worldand in Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus is saying to us, You are the light for the whole world – You must shine before people, so they will see your good works and Praise your Father in Heaven.
Acting Bishop, Pastor Mark Vainikka sent a report on the happenings in the churches in our state. This was read by Pastor Peter. Shirley Klinge read a letter from Karen Bryce, who was unable to attend. Shirley also spoke about Convention at Hervey Bay.
Hymns of praise, relating to our theme, were sung throughout the day and were arranged by the Ropeley ladies and played by Elaine Steffens (Lockrose President).
Pastor August Fricke was our speaker. What an inspiration that he fearlessly steps out in “faith as his shield” and “God’s Word as his sword” and spreads “light” to the poor, lost and desperate in many areas of the world (some, where he is not supposed to be). Pastor finished his talk by telling of one project that desperately needed $500 to complete. President Shirley introduced the Offering proposal, which was unopposed, to go to Asia Focus. From our small group, $513 was received. Our thanks and praise went to God! Delma Barrett thanked Pastor for his time and showing us the work of Asia Focus, and presented him with a box of fruit and vegetables.
Closing devotion was led by Pastor Peter Geyer. When a blindfold is placed over our eyes, it is very hard to find our way around. What a relief to have it removed. In the same way, we are spiritually blind until we learn about salvation through Jesus Christ’s suffering in our place and the washing away of our sins. A new light and life shines in us when we accept his saving grace. Now it is our challenge to spread this precious message of salvation to others. We must let our lights shine to lead them to God. Pastor closed the day with prayer. Dawn Heck graciously moved a vote of thanks to all who had helped in any way to make this a blessed day of Love and Fellowship.
Maureen Itzstein