It all began when Lutheran Women of South Australia-Northern Territory had a germ of an idea to take a group to attend the Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) Convention in Parramatta, NSW (in the east), last year. It had been done before, so why not do it again.
Word soon got around, and in the end more than forty intrepid women (and a few brave men) experienced a wide variety of travel and sight-seeing experiences, as well as making up a large part of Convention attendance.
During Convention, when Lutheran Women of Western Australia (LWWA) President, Roslyn Zadow, mentioned that 2019 was their Jubilee Year and invited LWA members to their May state Convention, it was too good an opportunity to miss; besides, it was an excuse to travel together again.
The first Friday in May saw a group of more than 30 (and, again, a few brave men) gathered at the airport ready to fly out (west this time) for a weekend of fellowship, fun, and the prospect of meeting up with our WA sisters in Christ.
What a wonderful trip we experienced. From the overwhelming hospitality of LWWA, catching up with ‘ex-pat’ SA friends and relatives and meeting new friends, the inspirational Convention held at Morley and the exceptional dinner on the Saturday night (we really did not need all that wonderful food after being thoroughly spoilt all day) and the chance to worship with fellow Lutherans at St John’s in Perth on the Sunday, we had the time of our lives!
Then there was a trip to Freemantle after worship on Sunday, with a chance to see some of Australia’s dark past at the Freemantle Gaol, and an opportunity to browse, eat (again) and enjoy the local markets. Then it was down to the docks for a ferry ride back to Perth, and glimpses of the fabulous homes built along the River Swan while tasting WA’s fine wines.

The SA ladies give bell ringing a go!
On Monday morning we had our own tour guide to show us around Perth city and its environs before experiencing the awesome WA flora during a walk in picturesque Kings Park. Back at the wharf in Perth came the chance to sample fish and chips to restore our energy for a tour of the Bell Tower, where we bravely and energetically ‘learnt’ the art of bell ringing. There were some unusual sounds coming from that tower in the early afternoon!
All too soon we were once again gathered at the airport, ready to fly east again, but home to SA, after another wonderful trip. Thanks, Tracy Smith! Your enthusiasm, patience and attention to detail as our leader know no bounds; we are deeply indebted to you.
When a group of women (and a few brave men) get together, sharing trials (yes, I mean the fire alarm at 4.30 am Sunday), chatter (plenty of that), laughter (plenty of that, too), love and Christian camaraderie, what blessings we receive. Thank you, my friends. And thank you, God, for the safe travel and fellowship.
So … when and where do we go next?