Come to me all those who are weary and I will give you rest, is a wonderful promise and, at this moment, I am in need of this resting place.
Have you ever had a minor illness which prevents you from having a good night’s sleep, or a way wood child, or grandchild, that is not helping themselves with disruptive behaviour? Or a friend who has been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and is needing your support? And the news of bushfires abroad and locally, which are devastating the county side, or floods inundating towns and county villages? These mentioned activities can rob us of a restful sleep because we do not give these things to God and trust him enough.
Song AT 213 has helped me to focus on the shelter and the strength:
I go to the rock of my salvation.
I go to the stone that the builders rejected.
I go to the mountains, and the mountains stand by me.
When all around is sinking sand,
on Christ the solid rock I stand.
When I need a shelter,
when I need a friend,
I go to the rock.
So, Jesus has promised to be there, walking beside me, even lifting me up should I stumble. Sometimes it is hard to let go, even in the weariness I am a slow learner, for much of the time I want to fix it now. I am afraid that accidents can happen after nights of restlessness and sleeplessness. I pray that each one of us can lay their burdens at the feet of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and gain true peace which our comforter, the Holy Spirt, can give us. This peace, as spoken to his disciples by Jesus, is full of love.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
Prayer:O give thanks to the Lord for all the many blessing that you continue to give us. Family, friends, Christian fellowships, the freedom to worship with our King, Jesus Christ. We thank you for the comforter who is constantly helping us back to our Creator God, as we travel this way, knowing that our travel will finally take us to our heavenly home with no more weariness or fear. Amen.