This refrain has been with me all morning, “God is so good, Alleluia! God is so good, Alleluia! God is so good, He’s so good to me.” ATN 54 and so I know I am on the mend, but slowly. And I can continue to heal, gain strength and enjoy the warmer weather after our refreshing winter rains have washed the dry earth and given an abundance of spring growth (especially the weeds). So, as …
Devotion – October, 2019
I have just arrived home after an extended time in hospital due to a massive infection of hip and spine (May 2019) and wish to thank all who held me up with prayer. My stay meant I was hospitalised for my wedding anniversary, my birthday, Mother’s Day, Easter Services and the Lutheran Women of Western Australia 50 years celebration. However, I was able to attend much of the Saturday’s Convention. For this I was blessed …
Devotion – September, 2019
He Cares for you. September is always the beginning of spring for me, where there is the promise of new growth, new beginnings, new life, and freshness after the winter rains have washed away some of the dirt of accumulated sins. This is another time where we can come before our Saviour Jesus Christ and ask to be made new again; to seek him and ask for forgiveness. When the Holy Spirit is at work …
Devotion – August, 2019
Come to me all those who are weary and I will give you rest, is a wonderful promise and, at this moment, I am in need of this resting place. Have you ever had a minor illness which prevents you from having a good night’s sleep, or a way wood child, or grandchild, that is not helping themselves with disruptive behaviour? Or a friend who has been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and is needing …
Devotion – July 2019
Do you have a song which, after hearing it again, remains on your mind and in your head for days, even weeks? You find yourself singing it silently, sometimes aloud. One that especially comes to me is, ‘What can wash away my sin’. I try to work out if it is the words, the music, the combination of the two, or the truths in the song: What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the …
Devotion – June 2019
At church today, I was reminded of our wedding 47 years ago by the entry Psalm 37:1-18 but especially our chosen verses 37:3-5. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will give you this. At the time, when I was young …