LWWA CONVENTION, 1 May 2021 held at Kalgoorlie
This being our 51st convention, and rescheduled due to COVID-19 last year, it was nearly cancelled again but, praise God, it has happened. This was the first time that St Pauls Lutheran Church Kalgoorlie-Boulder had ever hosted an LWWA convention.
Each lady was presented with a pink design origami bird to attach, as a brooch, and larger ones in various shades of floral and pink, hanging like a mobile from above, were displayed around the church and in pot plants placed around the doorways.
Theme: Abundant Blessings, 2 Corinthians 9:8. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in ALL things at ALL times, having ALL that you need, you will abound IN EVERY GOOD WORK.
Our theme song was Blessed be your Name.
Approximately 40 ladies were there from all over the state, Geraldton in the north, Katanning and Esperance in the south and all the other places in between. Bishop Mike Fulwood, Pastor Glenn Crouch, Spiritual Adviser, and Pastor Jason Pokela were there to guide us in all we did for the day.
Councillor of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Mr Lyndon Brownley, gave the civic welcome and, also being an Indigenous person, gave the welcome to country in his own language and English.
Our Bible study was led by both Pastors on “Hagar’s unexpected blessings” from Genesis 12:10–20, 16:1–16. Sarai was very sad as she was unable to have children of her own with Abram. He was very old, but God wanted him to have many children, so Sarai arranged for Hagar, their servant, to be Abram’s second wife. Hagar conceived a son Ishmael. Sarai had mixed feelings about this and felt she was unable to give Abram what she desired most of all, but Abram was blessed with a son to raise with Sarai.
Our four guest speakers for the day were slotted in around our business sessions. Our first one was Kerry Atkinson, the leader of Women’s Aglow in Kalgoorlie, who spoke on “Blessings of living in the Goldfields”.
The second speaker was Betty Lewis who spoke about “Blessings in Adversity”.
The third speaker, Margaret Pfitzner, spoke about “Blessings through the history of the Lutheran Church of Western Australia”.
The fourth speaker was Mary Leske, aged 22 years, who spoke about “Blessings through music”.
Our new executive committee is as follows: President, Ronda Hahn; Vice President, Debbie Dreckow; Secretary, Karen Crouch; Assistant Secretary, Dianne Adams; Treasurer, Angela Ziersch; Extra members, Margaret Pfitzner and Pixie Chappel.
National Council for Women reps: Ruth Brisbane and Dianne Adams.
Proxies: Kay Robinson and Jenny Ellery.
The LWWA Reporter is Jenny Forrest.
The day concluded with a communion service, also remembering those who have gone before us in the past two years with the lighting of a special candle.
The evening dinner was great and was hosted at the Uniting Church Hall, catered by the PNG ladies from the Lutheran church. A buffet dinner and a surprise dessert of Birthday cake for Pastor Glenn’s 60th accompanied with fresh fruit salad and cream, topped off a fun evening.
During the evening, Lyndon Brownley, and his family, consisting of his mum, dad, and brother, sang gospel songs to entertain us. His mum had won an award at the Tamworth Music Festival. They had even written a song and sang that to us as well.
Jenny Forrest
[Editor: I was notified of the death of Extra Member, Pixie Chapel on Saturday 21 August 2021. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.]