Aboriginal Ministry of South Australia (AbMinSA)

Many thanks to the Lutheran Women of Australia. Your support enables us to commit to our chief mission: to support and resource Aboriginal ministry in South Australia. Our support goes to Ferryden Park and Pastor Leon Rosenberg; Port Lincoln and Pastor Rob Schubert; and the Far West Coast area, Ceduna, Koonibba, Yalata, Oak Valley, and Pastors Lindsay Thomas, Russel Bryant, and Andrew Vanderwal. Of course, each of these congregation have leaders (predominantly women) who we support as well.

Our high point was the ordination of Lindsay Thomas of Yalata, in Yalata, on Ash Wednesday 2020. This was the day before widespread COVID shutdowns. Our joy was short-lived as we were forced to leave Pastor Lindsay unsupported for over a year. Please note that Yalata has been in shut down since Easter 2020 and still is (there are different, inconsistent, restrictions for Aboriginal communities in SA). Our thanks go to Pastor Andrew Vanderwal for supporting Pastor Lindsay as much as he can in difficult circumstances.

We acknowledge Pastor Peter Miller (SA district) and Ivan Christian (AbMinSA secretary) for their work as Hospital Chaplains in Adelaide. Their work is crucial in continuing pastoral care from the bush into the city. Please note that, when Aboriginal people come to Adelaide, it is rarely for a holiday. Their visits are almost always for chronic illness or sorry businesses (funerals).

Pastor Rob in Port Lincoln has developed strong relationships with Aboriginal families through his ministry to the Mallee Park Football Club (The Peckers), and Port Lincoln Prison.

Pastor Leon is new to our team and is discovering the intricacies of ministry to urban Aboriginal people and their families who visit from the bush.

It should be noted that AbMinSA enjoys a strong relationship with The Finke River Mission (FRM). We often share resources and encourage our Aboriginal pastors to attend ‘bush courses’ in Central Australia. FRM Bush courses offer a unique opportunity for our Pastor’s continuing education in their own language and with other Aboriginal pastors.

The AbMinSA board is a highly professional team, very qualified to serve our church in ministry to SA Aboriginal people. We have a medical professional, a financial professional, missionaries, linguists, and top-level advisors. All the board members have vast experience in SA Aboriginal culture.

Thanking you for your support.

Pastor David Kuss (Chairman)

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